Wednesday, February 01, 2006


I'm on something of a high today. I only had 15 minutes of my first class today, so I had some chill out time before poetry. Then I had lunch... and now I'm on my long break. I just checked my email and heard back from the school paper--they want to print my column, and the guy said I can write regularly if I want to. I'm really excited about that. I just wrote Justin an email too. He might not even want to talk to me, but I won't know if I don't try, I guess. Well, I need to get back to reading F. Scott Fitzgerald so I can say I got something productive done over break. I probably should consider starting on some more newspaper columns too...


agitswhoiam said...

What kind of column?

"Sunshine" said...

It's a humor column--at least the guy said it was supposed to be printed in next Tuesday's paper, so we'll see.