Friday, January 16, 2009

A Little Slice of Sunshine's World...

What a day. I woke up at 7:00 to my cell phone alarm. Then, I promptly went back to sleep, had a weird dream that I no longer remember, and re-woke up a little after 8:00. Grabbed some breakfast, hit the shower, called into work, found out I had to go in at 1:00, posted Word of the Day, goofed off on the computer until it was time for dinner at Grandma's, and then went to work for 45 minutes. Yeah, 45 minutes.

While at Grandma's, I learned that my dad's birthday gift (that I sent to my grandma's address because she compulsively checks her mail) arrived today. As did Grandma's converter boxes. Here in the US, as of sometime next month (I forget the day), analog TV will be no more. Analog TVs will need to be connected to a digital converter box to receive television signals. This was a big deal to Grandma. She insisted that my dad hook up her converter box immediately. He fiddled around and struggled over her multiple bags of crochet supplies, searching in vain for an electrical outlet. He yelled for Grandma to come help, and she pulled out a crazy mass of those outlet adapters (that get more mileage out of your wall outlet) plugged into an extension cord, and all ports were in use. A huge debate ensued as to which necessity should be unplugged to make room for the converter box. The TV, VCR, and antenna control needed to stay in. As did the lamp(s), apparently. I left the room to go eat. Finally, Grandma got an idea. I saw her reach across my place at the table to rob another one of those adapters from an outlet in her kitchen. I never knew she was such a risk-taker.

After more struggles, Dad finally had the converter box hooked up and working. But NBC wasn't coming in. And Grandma had to watch Judge Judy. Personally, I'd rather do without Judge Judy. But then, I'm not a fan of television, except perhaps TV on DVD. And anyway, I was already late for work...

After work, I can't really account for most of the afternoon--I guess I was just lounging around a lot. I know I did crochet a lot on the doily. I have less than 20 motifs on the last round until the whole thing is done. I'll be ready to move on to another project soon, as my crafting supplies seem to have taken over my room (I take after Granny) and are becoming quite a burden on my room-cleaning prospects.

Later this evening, I started working on my Sunday Scribblings post on my laptop while Mom started on hers on the home computer, thus tying up the Internet for much of the evening. While writing my post, I did something I haven't done in a long time: I listened to music.

I forgot how much I enjoyed listening to music while doing creative writing. I also forgot how the music inspired me. It brought back memories, too. As I was telling Robin the other day, I generally associate music with events in my life. Still not sure about that Sunday Scribblings post, and I really should work on that movie review, but, perhaps tomorrow.


Roan said...

You are talented in weaving humor throughout your stories. I like the way the crafty projects became a catalyst for this piece. I had no idea your "Granny" was such a risk taker either. Next thing you know, she'll be ordering up one of those wing suits and heading off to the mountains! I'll be viewing her in a whole new light.

Ray said...

I started a sunday scribbling post too.. but I just saved it for a later date-- I'm not sure I'm ready to make my triumphant return. HOWEVER, I am quite interested in the topic- pilgrimage- because I'm going to make it the least religious as possible.

Anyways, your mom has a blog? When did this happen and where can I get the link from!?!

Anyways, I spent 4 hours grading papers today with my friend Ivania. If she didn't help me, I'm sure they would have never gotten done.

Where are you working at? I didn't know you had a job, other than the one writing a book?!


Update?! please?! Even if that involves an email, or at least a facebook message?!

Robin said...

Nu? So what were you listening to?

"Sunshine" said...


I was listening to a LOT of Lucinda Williams. Do you ever listen to her stuff? She's kind of a country/blues artist, and I really don't know how popular she ever got, but I have a CD of her music that I've had forever. When that was done, yes, I had to put on the Grateful Dead... I played "One More Saturday Night," "Friend of the Devil," and "Sugar Magnolia." As far as Lucinda--I pretty much just played the album all the way through--it took me back in time about three years...

P.S. What did you mean by "Nu?"

Anonymous said...

I can see the importance of having the converter box hooked up. You can't miss Judge Judy. Too funny!