Saturday, June 03, 2006

One Year Ago Today...

We were standing in the white sand of Inlet Beach, Florida as Lisa and Derrick tied the knot. Well, actually by this time, we were probably at Pineapple Willy's celebrating. What a great time. Happy 1st year anniversary Derrick and Lisa!!!

Well, yesterday I got to hang out with Kris the last time before his trip. We had a ball... well, for the most part. His day didn't start out the greatest because he got a seatbelt ticket just outside of Buzzard Hall. But after that we had a good time.

We went to Champaign to a coin shop, a record store, 4 bookstores, the mall, Best Buy, an ethnic foods store, and an Italian restaurant on the U of I campus. At Borders, we entertained ourselves by insulting each other in foreign languages (French and German, to be exact) and by saying mildly dirty words out loud in those languages and laughing loudly.

It's great to act one's age, isn't it?

Some guy did ONE of my nails at the mall. I was very angry at Kris for stopping to talk to the guy, because I had no escape. However, I decided to make the best of the situation, and as the man was doing my middle finger nail, I decided to flip him off.

It probably would have been funnier if the guy hadn't realized I was flipping him off.

At the ethnic foods store, Kris thought it would be a good idea to get 4 patties of falafel. Great. Neither of us had ever tried the stuff, so it was more than a little nerve-wrecking trying it.

It was okay.

We had to stop at Cracker Barrel to use the bathroom on the way back, and ended up sitting outside playing 3 games of checkers. I only won one. But I let him have that last one because I was getting tired of playing. Kris felt bad for loitering, so he went inside and bought a book of Mad Libs for almost $5. So we then spent altogether too much time sitting in his car (still parked in the Cracker Barrel parking lot) doing XXX Mad Libs. A good time was had by all. Some of the highlights of said Mad Lib experience are as follows:

"(Carissa's) surly stories made us all ejaculate out loud" (Kris's Mad Lib)
"You promised us free all-night screwing in your garage... but that wasn't the case" (Carissa's Mad Lib)

And of course, there was the occasional penis, condom, bra, breast, pussy, rod, stick, and masturbate references thrown into the Mad Lib mix to liven up the night. They made for some interesting stories, no doubt about it.

I forgot to mention that we both picked up copies of the Kama Sutra at Barnes and Noble and said loudly, "I don't think this is humanly possible!"


I didn't get home until 1:35 and I was pretty wired, and also had a sinus thing going on, so I had to take a Benadryl and watch Indiana Jones to get to sleep.

I'm not addicted.

My apologies to Brandy, who most definitely does not want to hear anything about Kris ever. But I did spend 14 hours with him yesterday, and had a really good time, and felt the need to talk about it.

Now on to today.

Today was not nearly as eventful as yesterday. But it was fun nonetheless. We went to Terre Haute to eat at the Golden Corral. It was okay. I made a big salad with not very much lettuce (just the way I like it) and had some fruit and just a little starchy food. No dessert today, folks.

Then we went to Hobby Lobby and I saw a lot of really cool home decor, which made me want my own house.

And Mom had to go to (was it Sam's or Sarah's?) some hair place... oh wait... SALLY's to get a curly hairpiece thingy. I wish her and her hairpiece much happiness together.

Then we went to the Christian bookstore and I thought about getting a book, but decided not to. My grandma caught me looking at Every Young Woman's Battle, but luckily I don't think she knew what it was about, and for that matter, I don't think she was paying attention to what I was looking at.

Usually a good thing.

Well, I did a rough draft of my column, set to hit papers sometime within the next 10 years. Hopefully. My most recent column never did get printed, so I don't know what the deal is. Well, I better get going for now. I still need to revise that new column.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like one heck of a long crapppy day-grow up guys-esp you Krissy-you are 30 and really immature. A sad story. Junior high all over? HELLO.

Had a good time with you today at Terre Haute-always enjoy it. Please make smart choices-thank you-come again.

"Sunshine" said...

The name is Kris, thank you very much, and who cares if we were immature? We had fun. Crappy only has 2 p's in it, Brandy, but I really had a great day, so that word is not necessary anyway. And yeah, I'm going to miss him while he's on his trip, if that's the sad story you're referring to. However, if you're referring to yesterday, sorry, but it was a happy story.

Thank you and come again.

Anonymous said...

No-I was saying he is the SAD STORY!!

I am sorry but I, along with others, think this is a waste of your time, and will not work. Just trying to help-you will see later.

One last note---Where is the love? This sort of thing is called
F R I E N D S!

"Sunshine" said...

I don't have time for your juvenile crap. There is a difference between being immature by having fun and being immature by being malicious.

theluckyone said...

dang I can see some problems with you two well...I jsut thought i would tell you o CALL ME every once in i dont know once! well I have my blog updated if you care..bye

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like you're happy Carissa, so that makes me happy. Have fun being immature. <3M

"Sunshine" said...

Thanks, Meggers!