Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Well, this is my 26th Christmas. I think I'm ready for it. I had fun wrapping gifts and watching PBS last night. The potato pancakes and hot cocoa must've helped degrinchify me. Anyway, Peyser wanted to help wrap gifts too. He can melt even the coldest heart. Actually, he's sitting on my lap right now helping me type this entry. After the gifts were wrapped last night, he positioned himself among them. Oh yes, and he, of course, had to play in the ribbon.

So, I got up at 7:30 this morning, thinking I'd really gotten up early. Thought maybe we could get a head start on the whole Christmas thing. Well, then I found out that my dad had been up since 4:00, and my mom since 2:30. Maybe I really should have stayed up all night like I'd planned. But then, Santa might not come if I don't go to sleep, right?

Well, anyway, I need to get off here. Dad's got his Santa hat on and I haven't gotten dressed yet. I'll hopefully have more updates later.

Merry Christmas to all celebrating!


Robin said...

Merry Christmas Sunshine, I hope it's a magical one full of all things good.

Thank you for your Hannukah wishes, too. We did in fact have a very lovely holiday.

rennschnecke (Starranger) said...

Weihnachten , die schlimmste Zeit
des Jahres .
Letztes Jahr war noch alles gut,
und heute ?......
...und morgen ?...oh je!!
na ja , kann nur , und muß besser
werden ;-)